A Recap of AI in 2023

published on 31 December 2023

2023 has been an extraordinary year, full of unique experiences and challenges. As the old saying goes, "One human year is equivalent to seven in AI years"—or is that for dogs? Well, no matter how you measure it, this year has been packed with significant moments. The Silatus team is excited to take a moment to look back and reflect on the major events and milestones that have shaped the year. Welcome back to Silatus Weekly! In today's edition, we're embarking on a nostalgic journey down memory lane, revisiting the highlights and key happenings of 2023. Join us as we celebrate our achievements and lessons learned in this remarkable year.

ChatGPT's Evolution


Though it debuted in November 2022, ChatGPT's impact reverberated well into 2023, showcasing the potential of machine learning, natural language processing, and large language models. Following the launch of ChatGPT, industries across various domains accelerated their embrace of generative AI. The early months of 2023 served as a period of adaptation, as sectors adjusted to the new possibilities and changes brought about by this groundbreaking technology.

In March 2023, OpenAI unveiled GPT-4, marking a new milestone in the evolution of AI language models. This latest iteration is not just an incremental update but a significant leap forward, showcasing advancements in machine learning and natural language processing. GPT-4, as a part of this continual progression, has set new benchmarks in AI's ability to understand, interpret, and generate human-like text.


The year took an exciting turn with OpenAI's DevDay, where the announcement of GPT-4 Turbo truly captured attention. This new iteration boasted an impressive 128k token context, a significant leap in capabilities. Additionally, OpenAI unveiled the option for customizable GPT models, broadening the scope for tailored AI solutions. Another major highlight was the significant upgrades to ChatGPT, including the integration of DALL-E, enhancing its creative and visual capacities. We eagerly anticipate what further innovations OpenAI will bring to the table.


Google Bard


With OpenAI's GPT-4 setting a new standard, Google entered the fray with Bard. Though promising, Bard's initial abilities couldn't quite match ChatGPT's prowess. Undeterred, Google went on the offensive, adding features like Gmail reading and YouTube video summaries. In addition, google added image recognition to bards features. But the gamechanger arrived in December: Gemini. This major upgrade, built on the earlier Palm model, propelled Bard into the LLM upper echelon.


Anthropic's Claude


Another fierce competitor to OpenAI is Anthropic's Claude 2.0. Claude 2 was the first avaiable LLM with a token context of 200k. Claude 2.0. redefine the standards of interaction and efficiency in LLM technology. This equates to about 150,000 words or over 500 pages of text, a scale sufficient for comprehensive technical documents, extensive financial reports like S-1 filings, or even classic literary epics such as "The Iliad" or "The Odyssey". With enhanced performance capabilities, Claude 2 promises to deliver longer, more coherent responses, catering to the growing demands of its user base. Then Anthropic unveiled Claude 2.1, the latest iteration of its advanced large language model, now accessible through its API on the Console and also powering the claude.ai chat experience. Claude 2.1 is also integrated into Silatus! This new model represents a leap forward in AI capabilities, particularly for enterprise applications. Among its most notable features is an industry-leading 200K token context window, a substantial enhancement that dramatically reduces model hallucinations. 

The Opensource Boom


Since ChatGPT's debut, the open-source community has taken great strides to replicate an open-source model that is comparable to ChatGPT. In February 2023, Meta announced their Llama model along with Llama architecture. The model has become a staple for open source. Many more open-source models have emerged, such as Mosaicml's MPT models, Tiiuae's Falcon, and Together AI's Red Pajama.

However, things took a turn in the summer of 2023 when Meta released Llama 2, a model comparable to ChatGPT! Furthermore, Microsoft introduced Phi-1.5 and Phi 2, proving that "textbooks are all you need" to train small LLMs that are comparable to models twice their size. Last but not least, we have Mistral AI. Mistral AI, a team composed of former researchers from Meta and Deepmind, released their model Mistral 7b. Mistral's performance surpassed Llama 13B on several benchmarks. To finish the year, MistralAI released Mixtral, a mixture of experts model that rivals ChatGPT-3.5.




We can't mention AI without retrieval augmentation now can we. Langchain and Llama-index libaries how have been pivotal for the open-source community. Using LLM's to talk data has been a game changer for developers. What sets LangChain apart is its flexible abstractions and extensive toolkit that enable developers to create context-aware and reasoning LLM applications. As for LLama-index dynamic and flexible data framework specifically designed for enhancing LLM applications by integrating custom data sources. It's not just a tool but a gateway to augment your LLM applications with a variety of data. Better retrival pipelines means better integrations to vector-databases such as Qdrant.

Qdrant is becoming the go-to choice for engineers and developers working on innovative AI solutions. Its core strength lies in its performance, scalability, and ease of use, combined with flexible cost and resource-saving options. This makes it an ideal tool for handling unstructured data, which is a significant challenge in the field of AI. We are excited to see what they have in store for 2024.


Thank you!

2023 has truly been a thrilling journey, and we are grateful to have shared it with all of our users. The excitement doesn't end here, though. We are eagerly looking forward to unveiling what we have in store for 2024. Stay tuned for more updates, and we'll see you in the new year!

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