From MoE to MoA

updated on 05 August 2024

Large language models (LLMs) like GPT-4 have demonstrated impressive capabilities in natural language understanding and generation. But with the growing number of LLMs available, an exciting new frontier is emerging - how can we leverage the collective strengths of multiple LLMs to create even more capable AI systems?


A team of researchers from institutions including Duke University, Stanford University, and Together AI have proposed a novel approach called Mixture-of-Agents (MoA) that does just that. Their paper "Mixture-of-Agents Enhances Large Language Model Capabilities" outlines a method for combining multiple LLMs in a layered architecture to achieve state-of-the-art performance on several benchmarks.

The key innovation of the MoA approach is its layered architecture. The system uses multiple layers, each containing several LLM "agents". Each agent takes inputs from all agents in the previous layer to generate its response. This allows the system to leverage model diversity by using different LLMs with varied strengths, drawing on a wider range of capabilities than any single model. The multi-layer approach also enables iterative refinement, progressively improving outputs as they pass through successive stages.

The results achieved by the MoA approach are impressive. On the AlpacaEval 2.0 benchmark, it achieved a score of 65.1%, surpassing GPT-4 Omni's 57.5%. It also secured the top position on MT-Bench and outperformed GPT-4 Omni on several metrics in the FLASK benchmark. What's particularly notable is that these results were achieved using only open-source models, without relying on proprietary systems like GPT-4.


Through their research, the team uncovered several important insights. They observed a phenomenon they call the "collaborativeness of LLMs" - models tend to generate better responses when given outputs from other models as context, even if those other models are less capable individually. They also found that using a variety of different LLMs as "proposers" consistently yielded better results than using a single model repeatedly. Additionally, they noted that some models excelled as "proposers" (generating initial responses) while others were better "aggregators" (synthesizing multiple inputs).


One of the most promising aspects of the MoA approach is its cost-effectiveness. The researchers demonstrated that their method can match or exceed the performance of top models like GPT-4 while being significantly more cost-effective.

The implications of this research are far-reaching. It opens up possibilities for creating more capable and well-rounded AI assistants by combining the strengths of multiple models. It also suggests a path towards resource optimization, potentially reducing reliance on massive, proprietary systems by achieving high performance using ensembles of smaller, open-source models. Organizations might be able to mix-and-match different LLMs to create AI systems tailored to their specific needs. From a research perspective, the MoA framework provides a new avenue for exploring how different language models can complement each other.

While there are still challenges to address, such as potential increases in response latency, this Mixture-of-Agents approach represents a significant step forward in LLM technology. As the field continues to evolve, we may see more systems that leverage the collective intelligence of multiple AI models, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in natural language AI. This research not only showcases the potential of collaborative AI systems but also highlights the rapid pace of innovation in the field of natural language processing.

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